Sunday, June 29, 2014

Climate (HVAC) control replacement

When I purchased my 2003 Buick Park Avenue the digital display on the climate control wasn't working.

So off to the u-pull it junkyard I went. Luckily for me the junkyard had two Park Avenues of the same vintage. Here is a picture of the donor vehicle for the climate controller, a 2001 Buick Park Avenue:
The dash was already removed so it was really easy to remove the climate control system. Cost for the climate controller at the junkyard was $15.

Dash removal wasn't that difficult. To assist with removal of the faux wood trim I purchased a $5 set of trim removal tools from Harbor Freight: 
I found this tool the most useful:
As usual I went to youtube to see if there was a video on how to remove the dash and I wasn't disappointed. I used this dash removal video and this dash removal video on youtube. The second video is for a Lesabre which is slightly different, but with both videos you get the idea.

Finally, from my time spent on youtube it appears that General Motors vehicles of this vintage have a lot of issues with digital displays failing as the vehicles age. In many cases the display can be repaired by soldering in new resistors or re-soldering components on the board where the solder has cracked. Here is a video on how to repair this particular circuit board. I haven't had to the time to check if this repair would work on my climate controller.

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